Often, after an auto accident, it is easer to put the pieces of your vehicle back together, than the pieces of your life. Medical bills, repair bills, car rental expenses, lost wages are hard enough to deal with, but throw in the calls from the insurance agents and bill collectors, and you have a situation that is not only physically painful, but mentally painful as well. Our attorneys have the talent it takes to get your life back on track.
Medical Negligence
In this day and age of giant HMOs and PPOs, it is easy for the patients’ needs to get lost among the shuffle of paper work. If you feel that you, your child, or other close relative has experienced a medical injury, caused, or contributed to by the breach of duty or care of your health service provider, call Trimble & Associates.
Wrongful Death
Experiencing the death of a loved one is painful enough without the burden of worrying about your legal rights. The state of Texas has dozens of statutes regarding wrongful death, and it takes detail-oriented attorneys with special experience to resolve such serious matters. Trimble & Associates will determine if dependents or beneficiaries are entitled to compensation because of negligent or illegal conduct
Contact us
Trimble & Grant, PLLC
1602 Hamblen Street
Houston, Texas 77009
Office: (713) 863-8600
Fax: (713) 863-1161